Day 3 of 100 days of SwiftUI

Completed Day 3 of 100 days of SwiftUI today (  The focus today was operators and conditions.

It’s very similar to BASIC at the moment - although you can see how the language has advanced to make it easier to read and shorter.


score -= 5

Rather than typing:

score = score - 5



Swift has operators for doing arithmetic and for comparison.

There are compound variants of arithmetic operators that modify their variables in place: +=, -=, and so on.

You can use if, else, and else if to run code based on the result of a condition.

Swift has a ternary operator that combines a check with true and false code blocks. 

If you have multiple conditions using the same value, it’s often clearer to use switch instead.

You can make ranges using ..< and ... depending on whether the last number should be excluded or included.